早教启蒙分级阅读I can read系列
├──I Can Read)
| ├──An I Can Read
| | ├──01 Happy Birthday,Danny and the Dinosaur!.mp3 4.51M
| | ├──01 Happy Birthday,Danny and the Dinosaur!.pdf 11.36M
| | ├──02 Danny and the Dinosaur.mp3 8.31M
| | ├──02 Danny and the Dinosaur.pdf 5.34M
| | ├──03 Danny and the Dinosaur go to camp.mp3 5.28M
| | ├──03 Danny and the Dinosaur go to camp.pdf 8.94M
| | ├──05 Who Will Be My Friends.mp3 1.94M
| | ├──05 Who Will Be My Friends.pdf 17.45M
| | ├──06 Captain Cat.pdf 11.51M
| | ├──06 Captain_Cat.mp3 3.79M
| | ├──07 Stanley.mp3 5.79M
| | ├──07 Stanley.pdf 9.31M
| | ├──08 Grizzwold.mp3 5.84M
| | ├──08 Grizzwold.pdf 47.33M
| | ├──09 Chester.mp3 5.71M
| | ├──09 Chester.pdf 5.79M
| | ├──10 Mine's the Best.mp3 3.31M
| | ├──10 Mine's the Best.pdf 51.10M
| | ├──11 Oliver.mp3 7.39M
| | ├──11 oliver.pdf 22.09M
| | ├──12 Mrs. Brice's Mice.mp3 3.15M
| | ├──12 Mrs. Brice's Mice.PDF 16.62M
| | ├──13 Sammy the seal.mp3 9.69M
| | └──13 Sammy the seal.pdf 21.02M
| ├──I can read2
| | ├──01 Small Pig
| | | ├──Small Pig.mp3 6.94M
| | | └──Small Pig.pdf 9.28M
| | ├──02 Oscar Otter
| | | ├──2.Oster Otter.PDF 37.69M
| | | └──Oscar Otter.mp3 13.06M
| | ├──03 Red_Fox_and_His_Canoe
| | | ├──03 Red_Fox_and_His_Canoe.mp3 6.17M
| | | └──3.RED FOX and his CANOE.PDF 36.07M
| | ├──04 the fire cat
| | | ├──04 the fire cat.mp3 23.37M
| | | └──4.THE FIRE CAT.PDF 29.87M
| | ├──05 Harry and thelady next door
| | | ├──Harry and thelady next door.mp3 15.04M
| | | └──Harry and thelady next door.pdf 11.93M
| | ├──06 no more monster for me
| | | ├──no more monster for me.pdf 5.11M
| | | └──No More Monsters for Me.mp3 13.90M
| | ├──11 buzby
| | | ├──Buzby.mp3 12.06M
| | | └──buzby.pdf 14.78M
| | ├──12 Father bear comes home
| | | ├──2 Father bear comes home.pdf 29.59M
| | | ├──Father_bear_comes_home.mp3 5.31M
| | | ├──Hiccups.mp3 4.62M
| | | ├──LITTLE_BEAR_AND_OWL_2.mp3 3.88M
| | | └──lLttle_bear__s_Mermaid.mp3 2.51M
| | ├──13 Little bear
| | | ├──1 Little Bear.pdf 27.55M
| | | ├──Birthday_soup.mp3 4.83M
| | | ├──Little_bear_goes_to_the_moon.mp3 4.34M
| | | ├──Little_bear__wish.mp3 4.47M
| | | └──what_will_little_bear_wear?.mp3 3.50M
| | ├──14 Little bear's friend
| | | ├──另一版,好一些
| | | | ├──Little Bear's Friend01.mp3 14.24M
| | | | └──Little Bear's Friend02.mp3 14.01M
| | | ├──3 Little bear's friend.pdf 11.40M
| | | ├──Duck,Baby_sister.mp3 2.23M
| | | ├──Little_bear_and_Emily.mp3 4.44M
| | | ├──The_party_at_Owl__s_house.mp3 3.25M
| | | └──yuor_friend_,little_bear.mp3 4.41M
| | ├──15 Little bear's visit
| | | ├──4 Little Bear's Visit.pdf 36.98M
| | | ├──Goblin_story.mp3 3.12M
| | | ├──Grandmother_and_grandfather_bear.mp3 3.69M
| | | ├──Mother_bear__s_Robin.mp3 4.73M
| | | └──Not_tired.mp3 3.47M
| | ├──16 A kiss for little bear
| | | ├──5 A kiss for little bear.mp3 4.00M
| | | ├──5 A Kiss for Little Bear.pdf 30.36M
| | | └──A Kiss for Little Bear.mp3 3.36M
| | └──09.There Is a Carrot in My Ear.PDF 31.28M
| ├──I can read3
| | ├──01 frog and toad are friends
| | | ├──01 frog and toad are friends.pdf 3.24M
| | | ├──01-Spring.mp3 4.20M
| | | ├──02-The Story.mp3 4.45M
| | | ├──03-A Lost Button.mp3 3.86M
| | | ├──04-A Swim.mp3 4.15M
| | | └──05-The Letter.mp3 4.68M
| | ├──02 Frog and Toad Together
| | | ├──02 Frog and Toad Together.pdf 14.34M
| | | ├──11-A list.mp3 4.70M
| | | ├──12-The Garden.mp3 4.28M
| | | ├──13-Cookies.mp3 4.25M
| | | ├──14-Dragons And Giants.mp3 3.20M
| | | └──15-the Dream.mp3 3.89M
| | ├──03 Frog and Toad all Year
| | | ├──03 Frog and Toad all Year.pdf 6.37M
| | | ├──06-Down the Hill.mp3 3.76M
| | | ├──07-The Corner.mp3 3.59M
| | | ├──08-Ice Cream.mp3 3.22M
| | | ├──09-The Surprise.mp3 3.13M
| | | └──10-Christmas Eve.mp3 3.87M
| | ├──04 Days with Frog and Toad
| | | ├──04 Days with Frog and Toad.pdf 5.60M
| | | ├──16 Tomorrow.mp3 3.83M
| | | ├──17 The Kite.mp3 3.73M
| | | ├──18 Shivers.mp3 4.50M
| | | ├──19The Hat.mp3 3.42M
| | | └──20 Alone.mp3 4.73M
| | ├──05 Grasshopper on the Road
| | | ├──Grasshopper on the Road Part 1.mp3 7.91M
| | | ├──Grasshopper on the Road Part 2.mp3 7.64M
| | | └──Grasshopper on the Road.pdf 3.33M
| | ├──06 Mouse Soup
| | | ├──MP3
| | | | ├──09mouse soup intro.mp3 1.76M
| | | | ├──10bees and the mud.mp3 2.74M
| | | | ├──11two large stones.mp3 2.49M
| | | | ├──12the crickets.mp3 2.39M
| | | | └──13the thorn bush.mp3 5.17M
| | | └──Mouse Soup.pdf 5.73M
| | ├──07 Mouse Tales
| | | ├──MP3
| | | | ├──01mouse tales intro.mp3 1.38M
| | | | ├──02the wishing well.mp3 1.68M
| | | | ├──03clouds.mp3 1.80M
| | | | ├──04very tall mouse and very short mouse.mp3 1.77M
| | | | ├──05the mouse and the winds.mp3 2.50M
| | | | ├──06the journey.mp3 2.22M
| | | | ├──07the old mouse.mp3 1.87M
| | | | └──08the bath.mp3 2.26M
| | | ├──mouse tales 1- the wishing well.pdf 674.05kb
| | | ├──mouse tales 2- Clouds.pdf 362.70kb
| | | ├──mouse tales 3- Very Tall Mouse and Very ....pdf 214.09kb
| | | ├──mouse tales 4- The mouse and the winds.pdf 362.30kb
| | | ├──mouse tales 5- The journey.pdf 344.28kb
| | | ├──mouse tales 6- The Old Mouse.pdf 254.83kb
| | | ├──mouse tales 7- THE BATH end.pdf 556.34kb
| | | ├──Mouse Tales 另一个.pdf 995.46kb
| | | └──Mouse Tales.pdf 4.36M
| | ├──08 Owl at Home
| | | ├──Audio Books - (children) - Owl at Home.mp3 14.66M
| | | ├──Owl at home - content.txt 8.00kb
| | | ├──Owl at Home Part 1.mp3 5.61M
| | | ├──Owl at Home Part 2.mp3 7.48M
| | | ├──Owl at Home.pdf 4.99M
| | | └──The GUEST.doc 1.45M
| | ├──09 Uncle Elephant
| | | ├──Uncle Elephant - I Can Read Book Level 2.pdf 8.56M
| | | ├──Uncle Elephant Part 1.mp3 8.48M
| | | └──Uncle Elephant Part 2.mp3 8.37M
| | ├──10 Last_One_In_is_a_Rotten_Egg
| | | ├──Last_One_In_is_a_Rotten_Egg.mp3 17.37M
| | | └──Last_One_In_is_a_Rotten_Egg.pdf 8.27M
| | ├──13 Big Max
| | | ├──12 Big Max.pdf 33.71M
| | | └──Big Max.mp3 14.50M
| | ├──11 Clara and the Bookwagon.pdf 18.64M
| | ├──14Here Comes the Strikeout.pdf 7.62M
| | └──15 The Smallest Cow in the World.pdf 27.41M
| └──I Can Read4
| | ├──第4,10,27的音频
| | | ├──04 A Bargain for frances
| | | | ├──01 曲目 1.mp3 7.45M
| | | | ├──02 曲目 2.mp3 7.34M
| | | | └──desktop.ini 0.04kb
| | | ├──27.In a Dark Dark Room and other Scary Stories
| | | | ├──01 Unknown Track 1.mp3 6.23M
| | | | ├──02 Unknown Track 2.mp3 6.14M
| | | | └──desktop.ini 0.33kb
| | | └──10.The Drinking Gourd.mp3 18.42M
| | ├──1.THE GRANDMA MIX-UP.PDF 31.48M
| | ├──10.The Drinking Gourd.PDF 48.59M
| | ├──11.The Long Way to a New Land.PDF 27.37M
| | ├──12.Wagon Wheels.PDF 41.36M
| | ├──13.The case of the Scaredy Cats.PDF 31.34M
| | ├──14.The Case of the Hungry Stranger.PDF 31.56M
| | ├──15.Kick, Pass, and Run.pdf 31.29M
| | ├──16.Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express.PDF 34.73M
| | ├──18.Emma's Yucky Brother.pdf 37.75M
| | ├──19.The 18 Penny Goose.pdf 34.13M
| | ├──2.Zack's Alligator.PDF 40.68M
| | ├──20.Daniel's Duck.pdf 33.13M
| | ├──22.A Bear for Miguel.pdf 29.76M
| | ├──23.Snowshoe Thompson.pdf 28.04M
| | ├──24.Small Wolf.pdf 29.18M
| | ├──26.(四段)Ghosts.pdf 31.64M
| | ├──27.In a Dark,Dark room.pdf 46.23M
| | ├──4.A Bargain for Frances.PDF 45.00M
| | ├──5.The Big Ballon Race.PDF 34.22M
| | ├──6.Sam the Minuteman.PDF 38.08M
| | ├──7.The Josefina Story Quilt.PDF 35.72M
| | ├──8.The Golly Sisters Go West.PDF 33.82M
| | └──9.Hill of Fire.PDF 35.17M
├──自扫完美版 I can read Biscuit 20本
| └──Biscuit(my first reading)
| | ├──Bathtime for Biscuit.mp3 2.37M
| | ├──Bathtime for Biscuit.pdf 2.10M
| | ├──Biscuit and the Baby.mp3 2.81M
| | ├──Biscuit and the Baby.pdf 12.67M
| | ├──Biscuit and the Little Pup.mp3 2.67M
| | ├──Biscuit and the Little Pup.pdf 6.04M
| | ├──Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear.mp3 3.30M
| | ├──Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear.pdf 14.15M
| | ├──Biscuit Finds a Friend.mp3 2.44M
| | ├──Biscuit Finds a Friend.pdf 4.53M
| | ├──Biscuit Goes to School.mp3 2.21M
| | ├──Biscuit Goes to School.pdf 2.38M
| | ├──Biscuit in the Garden.mp3 3.32M
| | ├──Biscuit in the Garden.pdf 2.48M
| | ├──Biscuit Loves the library.mp3 3.02M
| | ├──Biscuit Loves the library.pdf 2.66M
| | ├──Biscuit Meets the Class Pet.mp3 2.75M
| | ├──Biscuit Meets the Class Pet.pdf 5.69M
| | ├──Biscuit Plays Ball.mp3 3.18M
| | ├──Biscuit Plays Ball.pdf 2.33M
| | ├──Biscuit Sorybook Collection 10本.pdf 18.75M
| | ├──Biscuit Takes a Walk.mp3 2.63M
| | ├──Biscuit Takes a Walk.pdf 13.20M
| | ├──Biscuit Visits the Big City.mp3 2.60M
| | ├──Biscuit Visits the Big City.pdf 15.42M
| | ├──Biscuit Wants to Play.mp3 2.54M
| | ├──Biscuit Wants to Play.pdf 2.56M
| | ├──Biscuit Wins a Prize.mp3 2.75M
| | ├──Biscuit Wins a Prize.pdf 2.30M
| | ├──Biscuit's Big Friend.mp3 2.28M
| | ├──Biscuit's Big Friend.pdf 2.25M
| | ├──Biscuit's Day at the Farm.mp3 2.56M
| | ├──Biscuit's Day at the Farm.pdf 15.90M
| | ├──Biscuit's New Trick.mp3 2.19M
| | ├──Biscuit's New Trick.pdf 2.10M
| | ├──Biscuit.mp3 2.54M
| | └──Biscuit.pdf 2.16M
├──自扫完美无瑕版 All Aboard Reading
| └──All Aboard Reading (汪1阶段)
| | ├──Benny's Big Bubble
| | | ├──01 曲目 1.mp3 6.38M
| | | ├──02 曲目 2.mp3 4.86M
| | | ├──03 曲目 3.mp3 8.31M
| | | ├──04 曲目 4.mp3 10.68M
| | | ├──05 曲目 5.mp3 5.37M
| | | ├──06 曲目 6.mp3 7.68M
| | | └──Benny's Big Bubble.pdf 3.32M
| | ├──Don't Wake the Baby!
| | | ├──Don't Wake the Baby!.pdf 3.41M
| | | ├──Track01.MP3 6.88M
| | | ├──Track02.MP3 5.78M
| | | ├──Track03.MP3 3.86M
| | | ├──Track04.MP3 6.12M
| | | ├──Track05.MP3 10.01M
| | | └──Track06.MP3 6.46M
| | ├──In a dark dark house
| | | ├──01. Track 1.mp3 5.52M
| | | ├──02. Track 2.mp3 4.20M
| | | ├──03. Track 3.mp3 6.05M
| | | ├──04. Track 4.mp3 6.40M
| | | ├──05. Track 5.mp3 4.09M
| | | ├──06. Track 6.mp3 5.40M
| | | └──In a Dark,Dark House.pdf 3.99M
| | ├──Is That You,Santa
| | | ├──01. Track 1.mp3 4.87M
| | | ├──02. Track 2.mp3 4.28M
| | | ├──03. Track 3.mp3 3.25M
| | | ├──04. Track 4.mp3 4.63M
| | | ├──05. Track 5.mp3 6.61M
| | | ├──06. Track 6.mp3 4.86M
| | | └──Is That You,Santa.pdf 2.34M
| | ├──Lots of Hearts
| | | ├──01. Track 1.mp3 4.64M
| | | ├──02. Track 2.mp3 3.86M
| | | ├──03. Track 3.mp3 3.02M
| | | ├──04. Track 4.mp3 4.91M
| | | ├──05. Track 5.mp3 6.63M
| | | ├──06. Track 6.mp3 4.05M
| | | ├──Lots of Hearts.pdf 1.64M
| | | └──Lots of Hearts分页.pdf 1.63M
| | ├──Otto the Cat
| | | ├──Otto the Cat.pdf 1.86M
| | | ├──Track01.MP3 8.06M
| | | ├──Track02.MP3 6.74M
| | | ├──Track03.MP3 4.92M
| | | ├──Track04.MP3 6.17M
| | | ├──Track05.MP3 9.48M
| | | └──Track06.MP3 7.40M
| | ├──Picky Nicky
| | | ├──01 曲目 1.mp3 8.50M
| | | ├──02 曲目 2.mp3 6.78M
| | | ├──03 曲目 3.mp3 10.19M
| | | ├──04 曲目 4.mp3 9.71M
| | | ├──05 曲目 5.mp3 6.82M
| | | ├──06 曲目 6.mp3 7.72M
| | | └──Picky Nicky.pdf 1.89M
| | ├──Pig Out!
| | | ├──Pig Out!.pdf 2.45M
| | | ├──Track01.MP3 4.54M
| | | ├──Track02.MP3 3.84M
| | | ├──Track03.MP3 3.37M
| | | ├──Track04.MP3 4.92M
| | | ├──Track05.MP3 7.16M
| | | └──Track06.MP3 4.51M
| | ├──Silly Willy
| | | ├──Silly Willy.pdf 1.95M
| | | ├──Track 01.mp3 4.23M
| | | ├──Track 02.mp3 3.64M
| | | ├──Track 03.mp3 4.32M
| | | ├──Track 04.mp3 5.24M
| | | ├──Track 05.mp3 3.76M
| | | ├──Track 06.mp3 2.66M
| | | └──Track 07.mp3 3.89M
| | ├──The Big Snowball
| | | ├──001.the snowball.mp3 3.37M
| | | ├──002. Track 2.mp3 3.02M
| | | ├──003. Track 3.mp3 3.33M
| | | ├──004. Track 4.mp3 613.22kb
| | | ├──005. Track 5.mp3 1.60M
| | | ├──The Big Snowball.pdf 1.50M
| | | └──The Big Snowball分页.pdf 1.52M
| | └──Too Noisy
| | | ├──01 曲目 1.mp3 8.53M
| | | ├──02 曲目 2.mp3 7.74M
| | | ├──03 曲目 3.mp3 9.50M
| | | ├──04 曲目 4.mp3 8.60M
| | | ├──05 曲目 5.mp3 7.70M
| | | ├──06 曲目 6.mp3 6.52M
| | | └──Too Noisy.pdf 2.26M
├──I Can Read 0 级(PDF+MP3).rar 597.40M
├──I Can Read 1 级(PDF+MP3)) .rar 636.96M
├──I Can Read 2 级(PDF+MP3)) .rar 936.89M
├──I Can Read 3 级(PDF)) .rar 14.15M
├──I Can Read 4 级(PDF+MP3) .zip 96.39M
└──Teachers Guide.zip 735.52kb