
├──Are You Sleeping (Frère Jacques) - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 25.88M

├──Farmer in the Dell - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 22.74M

├──Fly fly the Butterfly - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 26.05M

├──Happy Birthday Song (Happy Birthday To You) - nursery rhymes and children songs with lyrics.mp4 42.31M

├──Head Shoulders Knees and Toes - nursery rhymes and children songs with lyrics.mp4 49.90M

├──I'm a Little Teapot - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 31.24M

├──If You Are Happy and you know it - nursery rhymes and children songs with lyrics.mp4 39.60M

├──John Jacob - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 26.08M

├──London Bridge is falling down - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 37.00M

├──Mary Had a Little Lamb - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 32.32M

├──Rain Rain Go Away - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 33.74M

├──Rig a Jig Jig - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 30.15M

├──Row Row Row Your Boat - nursery rhymes and children songs with lyrics.mp4 44.01M

├──Skidamarink - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 21.79M

├──Take Me Out to the Ball Game - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 22.88M

├──Teddy Bear - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 25.66M

├──Ten Little Indians - nursery rhymes and children songs with lyrics - muffin songs.mp4 42.42M

├──The Alphabet Song (ABC Song) - nursery rhymes and children songs with lyrics.mp4 26.55M

├──The Finger Family (Daddy Finger) - nursery rhymes and children songs with lyrics.mp4 42.14M

├──The Muffin Man - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 25.79M

├──This Old Man - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 27.16M

├──Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - nursery rhymes and children songs with lyrics.mp4 54.89M

├──Wheels On The Bus - nursery rhymes and children songs with lyrics.mp4 37.58M

└──Where is Thumbkin - nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics.mp4 23.70M

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